What Are Fake Bangs?
Fake bangs are a product that can be easily preferred by women who want a change in their look without the need for a haircut. It is a product that can be preferred for women who are worried about having a bang or not and whether it will suit them or not. There are different types such as fringe bangs, short bangs, and long bangs. There are also types made from real hair. When the right color and texture are preferred, it looks like your own natural hair, and a disturbing image is not suffered. It is a method that you can apply in sudden plans, meetings, invitations, and when you want a change your look. When the bangs are cut, you cannot make any changes when you are bored, but you can remove the fake bangs when you are bored. You can cut, shape, gather and dye it as you wish.
How Are Fake Bangs Used?
The use of bangs may vary according to the forehead width of the person. If it is long, the desired size can be easily achieved by shaping the ends. Hair must be gathered before the attachment. The area where the bangs will be attached is determined and combed. The bangs are placed and fixed with a buckle. If you use hair spray, you can fix the product. The product should be removed before going to bed. Fake bangs are a savior method for women who get bored quickly and want a change.
How Should Fake Bang Care Be?
It should be removed from the hair before performing bangs care. You can take care of your hair with any shampoo and conditioner you use. The bangs will be more durable when washed with warm water and used with conditioner for their softness. Hot water is not recommended as it will deform when used.
Which Bangs Model Is Suitable For Which Face Type?
Round faces: The bangs will make the round face look longer and thinner, so it will be very advantageous. You should pay attention to the fact that the fake bangs you will buy are a little longer than the eyebrow level.
Square faces: The fake bangs model, which can be divided into two, will make square and sharp facial features more feminine. When the bun and ponytail are preferred, it will become both very stylish and remarkable.
Small and thin faces: Even the not widely preferred bangs will suit this face type. Short, long, wavy, dyed in the middle, in short, all models of bangs suit thin and small faces. You have the advantage of choosing all fake bang models for your face type.
Can Fake Bangs Be Dyed?
It varies according to the used bang extension. There is no problem in dyeing the natural fake bangs. You need to get support from your hairdresser to make it the same color as your hair. You should definitely consult your hairdresser for the dyeing process for other fake bangs options. You can visit our Ersin Çamsarı Hairdressing Salon for fake bangs and much more and get information by visiting https://ersincamsari.com/